Edge Protection System Utilised in Last Stage of Mennica Residence II Project in Warsaw’s Wola District

Investment:  Mennica Residence II apartments
Location: Warsaw, Poland
Investor:  Mennica Polska S.A.
General Contractor:
TLC Group product: Edge Protection System
Scope of work: Rental
Beginning date:  2017
End date: 2019

The second stage of the Mennica Polska investment, which began work in 2017, will be finished later this year.

The skyscraper will offer 45,000 square metres with 15 aboveground and 3 underground storeys. The investment had been divided into 3 parts:

  1. Service – with 21 service establishments and 5 offices located on first 2 storeys
  2. Residential – with 335 flats, including studio flats as well as 6-room apartments on storeys 3 to 15
  3. Underground – 3-storey parking lot

On the particular plot of land where the mansion block is being built, there is also a section of historical wall, which during World War II made up part of the Warsaw Ghetto border, as well as the historical Herman Jung brewery building. Under the supervision of heritage conservation, this historic architecture has been integrated within the modern skyscraper project.

Responding to the needs of the Mostostal company, we delivered our Edge Protection System for the project, which the company rented.

If you would like to find out more about renting our Edge Protection System, or other TLC products, please contact our offices in Poland or UK.